RRR — Recover, Refresh, Reflect

After months on the grind, I am taking a break from the day job to recover, refresh and reflect. The last break I took was for a little over a week back in September 2022. That break was a vacation with family. This break is going to be more laid back — I am not traveling, but I am simply going to use this time to catch up on reading, to take a pause and think about what’s working for me, where I need to recalibrate, and such. And … also to write! I want to set a goal for myself to write regularly (again!). I want to aim at writing one post a week. I think this is realistic, and also attainable — albeit with some discipline (or focus).
Meanwhile, here’s what’s on my reading list — this is mostly focused on tech/software engineering!
- https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/ — why is this still sitting unread on my reading list?!
- https://netflixtechblog.com/migrating-critical-traffic-at-scale-with-no-downtime-part-1-ba1c7a1c7835 — and the next part.
- This VLDB 2017 paper on evaluation of in-memory MVCC.
- This SIGMOD 2021 paper on real-time data infrastructure at Uber.
- Related: https://www.uber.com/en-IN/blog/operating-apache-pinot/
- A bunch of posts on PostgreSQL benchmarks and tuning — here, here, and here.
Here’s wishing myself happy reading — and productive writing!
Edit — here’s the first post in this little break!